later after that, in Season Seven. Jon and Dany are both see the spiral pattern and the old bisected oval in cave art left by early Children of the Forest. The cave is also the first time fans saw that the Children had a form of old written language. Unless, of course, The first men who left the art of the cave.
And Benioff emphasized that the symbols had mystical importance for the Children of the Forest. Since the Children hold magic to this day, it’s easy enough to deduce the Night King is using some kind of magic through the symbols as well. Jumping off the “The center of the spiral is Weirwood” visual, he can be tap into the magical powers of the earth. For what purpose is anyone’s guess, but the old gods were creatures that thirsty of blood.
An Iron Island story from the book “The World of Ice & Fire tells” of a white-and-red devil tree that ate human meat, while Chapter 29 of A Dance with Dragons tells the First Men used to hang the entrails of condemned criminals in the arms of Weirwoods.
The location of the first symbol never expanded, but both of the spirals have appeared in places of power. The horses at the Fist of the First Men above the mountain and the latest, at Umber’s castle, using the last son of Umber Kings of old. If the Night King is using those symbols in the purpose of magic, he is not screwing around.
We asked some fans about the purpose of the spirals, and by far, magic was the most common theory. Along with relation to the Children of the Forest.
The opinion of a fan:
“It looks like a Norse symbol represents the passage of time. This spiral is in quite some different beliefs, although it’s anticlockwise, not clockwise as it is in the series”
“Personally I believe that the spiral is more simple and it’s just a dying sun, a sign that night and deaths is coming”
3- Dragon contact
A lot of viewers have seen that the spiral form looks like the symbol of House Targaryen.
If you notice, you can practically define 7 or 8 points on the circle of the Targaryen symbol. The wing ends for two, with the heads numbering for 3 arms. And the circles in the tail numbering for the other three. With this theory, the Targaryens is may be associated with the Night King, had a tale with Old Valyria or is explicitly calling for a battle with his army against the remaining dragon blood.
night king Spiral